Saturday, 7 December 2013

Secret Diary #1:Lost secret key

I am finally writing in my Diary again! But the secret key is MISSING! There are 2 locks that are stuck together! But,I can still open the Diary. A while ago,Mrs McCoy found one in the gym! She will give it to me on Monday. I can't wait!


  1. That is great Evan! It is pretty amazing the Mrs. McCoy found your key at school. Good thing you have a lock for your diary, or Sadie might read it :)

  2. That's funny! By the way,it was quite a while ago she found the key...

  3. I'm so glad, Evan. I'm sure that it's full of great secrets.

  4. I wouldn't be surprised if it contains the design secrets of the next big, must-have, technological gadget.
