Monday, 16 February 2015

Yellowcode: A History

This is the history of Yellowcode

Quite a while ago, I moved on from Petit Computer to using Python on a computer. At first I was worried that the new language would be too complicated for me, but after I started using it, I changed my mind. I quickly learned that Python was a powerful language and could allow me to make amazing things easily. My first more-than-one-line program moved a turtle:

import turtle

t = turtle.Pen()


I used this program on a old desktop running Windows XP, and I was amazed at how easy it was to create animation with Python. This simple code grew a lot, and my first long program was created. It was called Turtle Design Creator, or TDC for short. The code for TDC is too long to include here, but you can download it at TDC included tkinter and turtle. I had a book called Python For Kids that taught me most of my Python knowledge, but it made a terrible mistake. The book said that tkinter buttons can be useful, but are not useful to draw things on the screen. I proved it wrong. tkinter buttons CAN draw things on the screen, with a little help from turtle. Later, I made my first Weebly website,, which is now my biggest website, and probably will be for a while. My latest program is for download on python development, and it is called Word Wizard. For the description of that, try it out yourself, I'm not telling you. But the code for Word Wizard is below:

from tkinter import *

def storyname(event):




def main():

    global tk

    tk = Tk()

    tk.title("Word Wizard")

    global label2

    label2 = Label(tk, text="Type each line of your document below")

    global label1

    label1 = Label(tk, text="Word Wizard  2015 Yellowcode")

    global E2

    E2 = Entry(tk, bd=90)




    label2.bind_all("<KeyPress-Return>", storyname)


See? I have learned so much Python that I don't even have to reference my book. Now, I only read my book when I forget a command. LONG LIVE YELLOWCODE!

There is the history of Yellowcode

Friday, 15 August 2014

Sadie Minecraft World

This is posted on Sam's request.

Another Minecraft World! You are dropped in a world with lots of resources and 2 houses.

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Survive to Boom Minecraft World

This is a survival world kickstart with an already made house. Look in the chest and you can find all sorts of useful goodies. Download link below.
 Zip download

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Birthday 8

Hi! On May 11 I had my birthday! My favourite presents were:

Slurpee Machine
Cotton Candy Machine
Windows 8 Laptop
Wii U with New Super Mario Bros.U and New Super Luigi Bros.U
The Lego Movie Videogame for Wii U


Minecraft Dimensions

In Minecraft, the game you all love, there are dimensions with peace and ones with evil. Here are the names of them, and how to reach them:

The Overworld-When you create and enter a world, you're here.
The Nether-Enter a Nether Portal. Make one by lighting a 5x2 obsidian frame.
The End-Enter an Ender Portal. These portals naturally appear in Strongholds.

 Each one is different. The Overworld is the dimension you first arrive in when creating a new world.

The Overworld, seen in the Extreme Hills Biome.

The Overworld is the dimension you will spend most of your time in. However, in order to complete the game, you will need to travel to other dimensions. The Overworld also contains most of the resources you need. The Nether, however, only supplies Netherrack, Glowstone, Nether Brick, Lava, and Nether Quartz Ore. The Nether is different than the Overworld. It is made of warm colours and is super dangerous.

The Nether, with no fortress in sight.

The Nether is a dimension that you shouldn't spend too much time in, but a quick trip is worth it as the Nether has some pretty cool resources that can't be picked up anywhere else. The End is the last dimension, and the one that you need to go to to complete the game. 

The End, with the Enderdragon attacking.

The End also hosts the Enderdragon, with purple eyes and a TON of strength. But you can beat it. It's not that tough.

La Fin

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Minecraft Wooden Dugout

In my Minecraft game,I live in a wooden dugout with Author Creeper(aka Sam G.).
For more info, click this: